Portal of Exit - Chain of Infection

A portal of exit is a place where bodily fluids come out of the body. Read the examples below to help understand what a portal of exit looks like. 

Smelling Flowers

Jen likes to smell flowers. She smells the daffodils. She smells the roses. She smells the hollyhocks. She smells the daisies. Smelling flowers makes Jen happy. She feels great!

But there is one problem. The flowers make her sneeze! After smelling all the flowers her sinuses start to run. Mucus comes out of her nose. Achoo, achoo. She sneezes again and again. Achoo!

Being Sick

Jill is very sick. She has a fever. She is sneezing and coughing a lot. Saliva comes out of her mouth when she coughs. Snot comes out of her nose when she sneezes. She feels hot and she sweats. Her nose and mouth are portals of exit. 

Getting Cut

Bill has to wash the dishes. The dishes are dirty. He forgets there are sharp objects in the sink. He cuts his finger on a knife. A little bit of blood comes out from the cut. The cut in his finger is a portal of exit because that is where the blood comes out. 

Portals of exits are the same as portal of entries. Think of a portal as a door to our body. A portal is a place where things can get in and out of the body.