Confidence, knowledge, and skills

This course will give you the confidence, knowledge and skills to recognize a life-threatening emergency and give immediate care. So, when minutes matter, you’ll be prepared to be the best first First Responder. 

Course is a class. To say a student is in English class is the same as to say someone is in an English course. Same with Math class and Math course. When a word means exactly the same in English we can say it is a synonym. 

Confidence, knowledge, and skills - To be confident about something means a person understands something. A person who is confident will be able to teach the material and help other students understand the material. To have knowledge means the same as to know. 

If a teacher is knowledgeable about a topic this means they understand a lot about the topic. The topic could be; math, science, music, English, etc. Some people like to learn many different languages and become knowledgeable about many different languages. A person who knows many different languages can maybe speak Spanish, Hmong, Chinese, French, and German.

To have a skill is to be able to do something many others may not know how to do. Typing is a skill. Cooking is a skill. Farming is a skill. Knowing how to use a website is a skill. Quilting is a skill. Sewing is a skill. Welding is a skill. Carpentry is a skill. A person with a skill has knowledge about a specific topic.

To talk about your skills you can say, "I know how to. . . "

Recognize a life-threatening emergency - To be able to recognize something is to see someone or something and know what it means. 

In an emergency situation time is important. A person needs to be able to respond fast. If a person is able to know what needs to be done or what they need to do, a person is ready and able to help a person before the ambulance arrives. The first, first responders are the people who help before someone comes. 

So, when minutes matter, you’ll be prepared to be the best first First Responder.