Portal of Entry - Chain of Infection

A portal of entry is like a door where pathogens enter the body. 

Foodborne Pathogen

Jack loves to eat chicken and spinach. When he eats he puts the food in his mouth. Unfortunately, the food has germs on it. Jack does not know there are foodborne pathogens on his food. Five hours after he eats, he feels sick. He has a stomachache. He throws up a lot

The foodborne pathogens entered his mouth. His mouth is the portal of entry because that is how the germs got into his body. 

Shared Contacts Causes Infection

Ken and Ben are twins. They look the same. They have to wear contacts to see. Sometimes they forget to clean their contacts. The contacts are dirty. Sometimes Ken uses Ben's contacts. Sometimes Ben uses Ken's contacts.

Ken gets an eye infection from Ben. They both go to the doctor. They are both sick. They got sick because germs form the contacts got into their eyes. The germs got into the eyes. The eyes are the portal of entry because that is where the germs got in. 

Infection from a Cut

Josh works in a busy restaurant. He is a prep cook. He cuts chicken.  He opens cans with a can opener.  He peels shrimp and cuts onions. 

Josh cuts his hand on a knife. He does not think the cut is a problem. He does not stop working. He does not wash his hands. He does not put on a bandaid. He does not put on latex free disposable gloves. He does not cover up the cut on his hand. 

Josh is at risk for an infection. Germs could get into his cut. He could get sick because he did not cover up his cut. The cut on his hand is a portal of entry because germs could get in his body

Workers should always clean and cover their cuts when at work. 

Sharing a Bathroom

Hank and Jim are roommates. This means they live in the same apartment.  They use the same kitchen. They share the same living room. They share the same bathroom. They both have the same color toothbrush. Both of their toothbrushes are black. 

Jim is sick. Jim has germs in his mouth. Jim goes to the bathroom and brushes his teeth. Jim uses Hank's toothbrush. He thinks the toothbrush is his. But the toothbrush is not Jim's. The toothbrush is Hank's!  Gross! Yuck. 

Hank comes home from work. Hank eats food. Before going to sleep, Hank brushes his teeth. Hank does not know that Jim used his toothbrush. The germs from Jim are on Hank's toothbrush. Hank gets sick. 

What is the portal of entry in this story? How do the germs get into Hank's body.