Pathogens - Chain of Infection

Pathogens are small. Pathogens make people sick. There are a lot of different pathogens. When pathogens get into a host, it can make the host sick. 

Covid-19 - Covid-19 is an airborne pathogen. This pathogen made a lot of people sick. Many people died. People had to wear masks at stores and at school. Masks were required in many places. People had to stand six feet apart to prevent the spread of this pathogen from one person to another. 

Salmonella - Salmonella can be found in a variety of foods, including chicken, beef, pork, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. Salmonella is a foodborne pathogen. If something is foodborne that means the pathogen can grow on the food.

Influenza - Influenza is an airborne pathogen. People call it the flu. People with the flu usually have a fever and a stomachache. People with the flu have to use the bathroom a lot. People with the flu sometimes vomit. Influenza is a pathogen.