Life Threatening Bleeding

What does life threatening bleeding mean? If someone has an accident with a chainsaw, knifesawblade, or other sharp objects or material, they could have life threatening bleeding. A person with life threatening bleeding needs to be helped very quickly. A person with life threatening bleeding is losing a lot of blood from their body. This is a serious emergency. 

Some phrases that mean the same as life threatening bleeding are the following: the blood is a continuous flow, a steady flow, the blood is spurting out from the body. All of these phrases mean there is a lot of blood coming out of the body.

A trickle of blood, a scratch, a minor cut, a scrape, a little bit of blood all mean there is NOT a lot of blood and that the bleeding is NOT life threatening. 

Read the following scenarios and decide if the situation is life threatening or not. 

1. Joe was working at Walmart. Joe was cutting boxes with a sharp razor. He was cutting the boxes very quickly because he wanted to go home early. When he was cutting the boxes he scraped his hand. He saw there was a trickle of blood going down his finger. He put a bandage on his wound and the bleeding stopped.

Where does Joe work?

What was Joe doing?

Is this an example of life-threatening bleeding? Explain. 

2. Jill works in a busy kitchen. She is working hard. She chops onions, peels eggs, and prepares a lot of different food. When Jill was cutting carrots she slipped on the floor. The knife fell off the kitchen counter and cut her arm. Blood was spurting from her arm as she hollered, "Help, I'm bleeding."

Where does Jill work?

What does Jill do at work?

What happened to Jill?

Is this an example of life-threatening bleeding? Explain. 

3. Khoa uses a chainsaw to cut down trees and branches from trees in the city. When he was using the chainsaw, a stick from a tree scraped his leg. There was a trickle of blood. He turned the chainsaw off and put a bandage where the stick cut his leg. Then he started working again. 

What does Khoa do for work?

What equipment does Khoa use at work?

What material does Khoa use to stop the bleeding on his leg?

Is this an example of life-threatening bleeding? Explain. 

4. At lunchtime Choua opened a can with a can opener. The lid from the can is very sharp. When Choua was washing dishes she forgot about the lid. The sharp lid  was in the kitchen sink. The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes. When she put her hand in the sink the sharp lid cut her hand. When she pulled her hand out she saw blood was flowing steadily from her hand. She saw there was a rubber band on the table so she put the rubber band around her arm to stop the bleeding. 

What did Choua cut her hand on?

Where was the sharp lid when she cut her hand?

How did she stop the bleeding?

Is this an example of life-threatening bleeding? Explain. 

5. Bill works as a carpenter. He works with a lot of carpentry tools. One day he was using a drill and the drill bit went into his leg. Blood was continuously flowing from his leg. His co-worker Joe, the person that works with Bill, quickly gets a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. 

What is Bill's job? 

Where on Bill's body did the drill bit cut him?

Is this an example of life-threatening bleeding? Explain

Who helps Bill stop the bleeding?