CPR/First Aid American Redcross

Module 1

The risk of getting sick when helping a person in an emergency is very low. If the risk of something is low this means it usually will not happen. A person could get sick but, it is not likely. 

When thinking about high risk or low risk it is helpful to think about the risk of rain. If there is a 90% chance of rain, this means it is going to rain. There is a small chance it will not rain. The risk of it raining is very high. If there is a 10% chance of it raining this means it will not rain. There is a small chance it will rain but it is not likely. It is probably not going to rain because the percentage is low. There is a low risk of getting rained on when outside. 

Even if there is a low risk of it raining, it is a good idea to bring an umbrella or rain jacket. It could rain and having rainy weather equipment reduces the risk of getting cold and wet from the rain! 

It is the same idea for helping someone when there is an emergency. The risk of getting sick is low but one can reduce the risk by wearing latex free disposable gloves. What other PPE might you need? 


lowering your risk for infection - reduces your risk of getting a disease.

Both of these phrases, lowering the risk and reduce your risk mean the same. It means there is a small chance, maybe 10% that you could get sick. When a person wears PPE the risk is lower, less, smaller - maybe 5% chance of getting sick.


Washing your hands with soap and water helps keep your hands clean. Wash hands for 20 seconds. You can also use alcohol based hand sanitizer. 

If you can, wash your hands before helping someone and after helping someone. 

When there are gloves on your hands do not touch your mouth, eyes, or any surfaces. 

What is a surface? The top of a table has a surface where people can put many different things. The surface of the counter in the kitchen needs to be cleaned. The surface is dirty. When sitting in a chair the surface of the chair is where the person sits. When a teacher writes words on the white board the teacher writes on the surface of the white board. Surfaces can be dirty and should not be touched when helping someone in an emergency. Germs, or things that can make someone sick, could get onto the gloves and into our bodies. 

When wearing gloves, avoid touching your mouth, eyes and other surfaces, because germs can transfer from the gloves to other areas or surfaces. Also, remove gloves using proper technique to avoid contaminating the wearer’s own skin.


You have a first aid kit and are about to give care to a co-worker who is unresponsive and not breathing. After calling 9-1-1 and getting equipment, what should you do before giving care, if possible? 

Put on latex free disposable gloves. 

What is your risk of catching a disease when giving first aid care?

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Focused Check

Read the interview and decide where should the focused check be completed?

Interview 1.

A. John! I heard an unusual sound. Are you ok? Does anything hurt?

B. I fell off a ladder and smashed my knee. It really hurts.

The focused check should be on John's _________.

Interview 2.

A. Emily! I heard an unusual sound in the kitchen. I thought I heard you screaming for help! Are you ok? What happened?

B. I slipped on the wet floor because I was not wearing any non-slip shoes. I hit my head really hard and feel confused. I think a knife has cut my arm.

The focused check should be on Emily's _____ & ____.

Interview 3.

A. Henry! I see you have a large injury on your arm. Does anything else hurt?

B. My stomach hurts. I think I burned it on hot pans when I slipped and fell on the oil on the floor.

The focused check should be on Henry's ______ & ___.

Interview 4.

A. Jay! I heard something crash in the kitchen. I smell something unusual. What is it?

B. I am ok. I am not hurt. I spilled rotting eggs on the floor.

Where should the focused check be?

There is no focused check because nobody is hurt. Nobody got injured.

Interview 5.

A. Carrie! I heard an unusual sound. It sounded like something crashed. Are you ok?

B. Yes. I fell off the ladder and I hurt my arm and I think I cut my leg on some broken glass.

Where should the focused check be?

Sometimes Tou Sue does not see the nails in the garden when he is walking through the garden. He steps on a nail and it goes into his foot.

Where should the focused check be?

What is a focused check?

It is where the injury is. It is where to look for an injury on the body when someone gets hurt.

For CPR/First Aid a focused check is always a body part; an arm, a leg, a foot, a finger, a nose, an eye, etc.