Potentially Infectious Material

Potentially infectious material is anything that may have germs or pathogens in or on it. For example, if chicken is not cooked the chicken could be potentially infectious because the germs in the chicken that can make a person sick would not be killed. When chicken is cooked, the germs are killed. 

Bloodborne pathogens training talks a lot about potentially infectious material. If a mask has blood or saliva on it the mask is potentially infectious. There could be germs in the saliva or the blood and the mask is potentially infectious. Circle the bodily fluid in each example. 

What is the potentially infectious material in the examples below?

1. There is a towel with blood on it. 

The ____________ is potentially infectious because the _____________ has blood on it. 

2. There is toilet paper with saliva on it. 

The ____________ is potentially infectious because the _____________ has blood on it. 

3. There are used needles on the table. 

The ____________ is potentially infectious because the _____________ have blood on them. 

4. There is broken glass with blood on it. 

The ____________ is potentially infectious because the _____________ has blood on it. 

5. There are a pair of scissors with blood on it. 

The ____________ are potentially infectious because the _____________ have blood on it. 

6. Somebody sneezed into a mask and there is now saliva on it. 

The ______________ are potentially infectious because the ____________ has saliva on it. 

7. Somebody blows their nose into a paper tissue and now there is snot from the nose on it. 

The _____________ is potentially infectious because the _____________ has snot on it.