Sun Exposure
Have you ever been exposed to the sun for too long and get really hot? To be exposed to something means to touch or come close to something. A person can be exposed to many different things. This lesson will cover a few things people can be exposed to and what a person can do to prevent exposure and protect themselves from exposure to harmful elements in the environment.
In the summer the sun is hot and getting exposed to hot weather for a long time with no water can be dangerous. A person could get heat stroke.
Take a moment to think about how you reduce your risk of getting heat stroke. Heat stroke is when a person gets sick from spending too much time in a hot environment. Do you wear sunscreen? Do you wear a big hat? Do you wear a head dress? Do you stay inside when it is hot? Do you drink a lot of water?
Keeping cool in hot weather is important. Be sure to wear sunscreen and wear a big hat to keep the sun off your face. Wear cool clothes or stay inside an air-conditioned building. Be sure to drink a lot of water and do not run, jog, or do heavy or difficult work in hot weather. If you do have to work in hot weather, take a lot of breaks. All of this will reduce the risk of getting heat stroke. And remember, heat stroke happens when someone is exposed too long to the heat.
Exposed to Cold Weather
The winter in Minnesota can be very cold. The coldest months of the year are December, January, and February. When it is ten degrees Fahrenheit and the wind is blowing, a person is at risk of getting frost bite. Frost bite is when body parts freeze. Fingers, toes, nose, and ears are at high risk for getting frost bite if they are not covered by winter clothes.
Frost bite can happen when a person is exposed to cold air for an extended period of time. When it is below freezing or less than zero degrees, frost bite can happen fast. Being exposed to extremely cold air is dangerous.
People can prevent exposure to cold air by wearing the right clothes for winter. Hats, winter coats, snow boots, snowpants, gloves, scarves, and layers of clothes can help protect a person from the cold air in the winter. If it is too cold to go outside people should stay inside their home if possible. Sometimes schools and businesses close down if there is too much snow or if the weather is too cold.
Closing down a business, school, church, or other places in the community is a preventative measure to keep people safe and warm in the winter.
Cross Contamination
In this video you will learn about cross contamination with raw pork. Think about exposure and how it is important to keep vegetables and meat in different bags to prevent cross contamination. Cross contamination is when the germs or bacteria from the pork juices or other juice from meat, gets on other surfaces.
For example, if the juice from the chicken gets on the vegetables the vegetables get exposed to the chicken juice. When a person eats the vegetables, the vegetables are contaminated with the germs and can make a person sick.
Watch the video and think about what the person in the video does to prevent cross contamination. What does he do to prevent his family from being exposed to bacteria in the meat?