Different Ways Pathogens Spread

The way each type of pathogen spreads is different. Bloodborne pathogens are germs that are in a person's blood. Airborne pathogens are found in the air. Waterborne pathogens are found in water. Foodborne pathogens are found in food.

Airborne Pathogens:  The common cold is an airborne pathogen. A fever, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing are symptoms of an airborne pathogen.

When a person sneezes and coughs, airborne pathogens spread through the air. Wearing a mask can help reduce the risk of getting sick because it stops the germs in the air from getting into another person's body. 

Foodborne Pathogens: Foodborne pathogens spread when germs from food get into the body. Salmonella is a foodborne illness that makes a person feel sick to their stomach. Diarrhea, vomiting, and fever are symptoms of salmonella. When meat isn't cooked right a person can get sick. Salmonella can spread by drinking contaminated water. It is also waterborne. - CDC.gov Salmonella 

Waterborne Pathogens -  Caused by contaminated water. Cryptosporidiosis is waterborne and foodborne. A person can get sick with diarrhea. A lot of snow and rain in the spring can increase the risk of people getting sick with this waterborne disease. Water Quality Topic

Bloodborne Pathogens - These are germs found in a person's blood. If a person works close to blood a person could get infected with a bloodborne pathogen. 

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